Placing your order

This support article is written for AntiPhish customers who want to place an order with their selected templates.

To place your order of select templates:

  1. Log in to AntiPhish.Training.
  2. From the menu on the left, select ‘Templates’.
  3. Browse the templates by using the search box or by category. 
  4. When you have found a template that looks suitable, click on the template. 
  5. Explore the template in more detail by hovering over the image.
  6. Complete your customisations (if required) and select ‘Add to basket’. 
  7. Select ‘Cart’.
  8. Select ‘View Basket’.
  9. Download a document of all your chosen templates by selecting ‘Cart Catalog (PDF)’.
  10. If you are happy with your chosen templates select ‘Proceed to checkout’.
  11. Complete your billing details. 
  12. Select the checkbox to agree to our website’s terms and conditions.
  13. Select ‘Place order’. 

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